Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Second Paying Gig! WOOHOO again...

My friend Shannon who I used to work with heard of my cakes for Ryan's retirement (see below!) and wanted to see if I would do a cake for the Girl Scouts. I would love to! But they wanted to feed 140 people. I don't have a slab large enough to hold a cake that large yet, so I did a half sheet with matching cupcakes. I freehanded the design for the logo from a smaller one. Must remember to get a computer. The cupcakes are lemon, strawberry, and chocolate. The cake is yellow cake with a buttercream layer. All are iced in homemade buttercream. Take a look!


  1. Wow! I can't believe you freehanded the logo...this looks great! Very impressive!

    ~ denise

  2. Thanks girlie! I was very happy with how it turned out and the girls LOVED it. There were only 3 cupcakes left and NO cake! :)
